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Monastero della Stella, Saluzzo, VR Experience

Reconstruction of part of a Monastero della Stella. located in Saluzzo, Piemonte, Italy.

Basically a VR gamification project: guest gets confortable with the tools used by archeologists, gets access to the various stratifications and the objects that were found; can cook a Renaissance meal according to a Bartolomeo Scappi recipe.

Most of the archeological survey part is based on original photogrammetry data, Kitchen and its content recreated from scratch.

Cooking Renaissance Style.

Kitchen and ingredients.

Kitchen and ingredients.

Kitchen and ingredients.

Kitchen and ingredients.

Ingredients and Recipe.

Ingredients and Recipe.

The Fireplace.

The Fireplace.

Beans and RIce.

Beans and RIce.

From a corner.

From a corner.



Gamification of Archeological Survey: the tools.

Gamification of Archeological Survey: the tools.

Survey, second level, graves.

Survey, second level, graves.

Survey, classification of the findings.

Survey, classification of the findings.